How To Heal The Past Wounds That Could Be Holding You Back In Your Business Today!


“But I didn’t have trauma” you might be thinking.

Every human has some not so amazing experiences in their lives, the ones that hurt, the ones that make you question yourself, the ones that shake your confidence.  When these experiences happen, we create stories in our head about who we are, and how valuable we are. These stories can change how we act and react as humans.  So why is this important to be aware of in terms of your business?

The first and most important realization you, as an entrepreneur, need to have is that when it comes to business, your relationship with yourself… a business relationship.  All that self talk and past experience, whether good or bad, creates the story you portray to your clients.  

When I first started out in the coaching world, I spent so long analyzing what to call myself and worrying about if someone was  already doing it better than me, that I, unknowingly, placed myself in a rut of inaction. 

After sitting with the feelings, I realized  that all of this stemmed from my past.  There were several very specific instances from earlier in my life where I had felt unseen, unheard, not validated in how I felt, and that no one had been listening. Time to do the mindset work!

And now, here I was face to face with a trigger…I knew I had the capacity and desire to help people, but my brain had been programmed into the “I’m not good enough and therefore I will not put myself out there until I’m perfect” mode. 

Fast forward, now that I have healed those wounds and changed those stories in my brain, I am actively helping others daily do the same.  It would have been a waste of my potential had I not been able to overcome that trigger.

Why am I telling you this? Because each time you are faced with an intangible obstacle in your business, more often than not, it’s a result of a wound or trauma that you haven’t quite healed or dealt with yet.  As a human, it is important you remember and know that you are 100% capable of owning and achieving all the outcomes you desire.  

95% of our success comes from our mindset, and our brains have many of the same thoughts on repeat throughout the day, and these dictate our actions.  So if we can change them and heal those wounds, the outcomes change.  But if we have wounds or traumas on replay in our subconscious, guess what?....the end result will be the same and we won’t move forward.

How else can these wounds and traumas creep into our businesses?

Well, the truth is, the list of ways is endless, but the path to healing them and removing those blocks is the same.

Perhaps for one entrepreneur they have the same rut of feeling stuck that I had due to previous experiences and not being heard or validated? Or maybe you struggle having tough conversations with business partners or clients because having those conversations means confrontation which is  uncomfortable due to a trauma you had?

Maybe it’s hard to how up online as your authentic self or  maybe you’re worried your views might be different and cause a rift?  Your past experiences can even manifest as the fear of rejection.

Now here is the good news…all of these wounds/traumas/triggers can be identified, and healed.  This mindset healing can help you show up more present in your business, approach those difficult conversations prepared and with a plan, and create rock solid confidence.  Identify, release, heal, and move forward.

If you feel like you’ve experienced or are experiencing unhealed wounds popping into your business life, I would love to hear from you!

I also created a free Masterclass (linked below) to assist you with fighting off Imposter Syndrome, a challenge often created by past wounds that most entrepreneurs face)... it is my calling and mission to help as many entrepreneurs as possible overcome those intangible blocks to create the business of their dreams!

Tani Morgan