Carrie cleared the fear of being visible & seen on social media with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Carrie Ford, Podcast Manger & Content Strategist
Stephanie cleared past trauma & painful events with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just three sessions.
Stephanie Rose, Personal Brand Strategist & Photographer
Robin cleared anxiety & triggering painful past event with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just two sessions.
Robin Kupferschmid, Online Business Manager & Dubsado Expert
Juliet cleared insomnia & anxiety with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Juliet Lippman, Juicy Life Mentor & Rapid Resolution Therapy Facilitator
Chelsea cleared anger with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Chelsea Anne Marie, Transformational Mentor & Hypnotherapist
Tessa cleared toxic relationship residue with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Tessa Carolyn, Somatic Body Worker & Rapid Resolution Therapy Facilitator
Louiza cleared stuckness in her business with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Louiza Megan, Maternity Leave Strategist at Spacious Mamas
Beth cleared anger & irritability with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Beth Creedon, Change Maker & Self Coaching Expert
Gracie cleared fear of being seen online with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Gracie Pulliam, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Cher cleared confusion & stuckness in her business with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just one session.
Cher Enya, Mindset Coach & Hypnotist NBCCH
Magda cleared fear of being seen online with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just two sessions.
Magda Gee, Spiritual Coach
Melissa cleared constant triggers around being good enough with Rapid Resolution Therapy in just three sessions.
Melissa Price, Super Rad Mom & Reiki Master
It’s magic!!! The feeling just disappeared!
I tried RRT because I had a fear around marketing online that felt like a heavy pit in my stomach. After just one session with Tani, I no longer feel uncomfortable when I post about programs and I can write much more easily without worrying about who it might upset.
I was amazed that by the end of our session, I couldn’t feel the feeling anymore so if you’re thinking about trying Rapid Resolution Therapy, DO it! It very easily removes that bad feeling and is so worth it.
~ Jenna Vincent, Love Witch, Intimacy Guide & Holistic Herbalist
Tani, wow!! That was magic. I felt so seen, so supported, so guided, so understood and now so CLEAR. Something which had been weighing on my mind and stealing my energy for almost a year us completely shifted and then Tani cleared something from more than 20 years ago too! WOW! Thank you for the light you are in this world, Tani! I’m definitely a fan!
~ Lela Nzaou Kissolo
Tani is amazing at helping you rebuild your confidence and take your power back from your past and present fears!
I was struggling to build my confidence to sell and lead powerfully in my business so booked some RRT sessions with Tani. I felt defeated and scattered and Tani helped me reframe my blocks and fears, as well as see where I was giving my power away.
My biggest realization was that I'm allowed to take up space and do things my way. I can forgive my past and really be who I want to be in my business. She helped me stop overthinking around selling and offering my services.
After each call, I felt elated and expanded. Tani is an incredibly masterful and sincere coach who wants the best for you! She knows how to help you get unstuck in areas you didn’t realize.
~ Narley K, Mindset Coach, Model and Content Creator
Tani guided my brain into thinking differently and it was done in a light-hearted, easy way without suffering. There was no slogging through the negative emotions. After the first call, I could no longer access the worry about money that I previously had.
I booked a session with Tani because I was feeling stuck financially and my business. I felt fearful that I would always be stuck in a debt cycle and that my business would never be successful. I felt fear, discouragement and uncertainty.
The biggest transformation was that I am no longer afraid to look at my finances and in fact WANT to track my expenses. There's no heat around finances and there's no heat around wondering if my business will be successful. There's no more worrying about "success" or "being a loser" or failure.
So in other words, maybe what I'm doing will work and maybe it won't but I"m not worried about it and I'm not making it mean anything. There's true freedom in that. I feel so much lighter and clear-minded about what I have to do.
If you’re considering Rapid Resolution Therapy, just do it. You will reduce your suffering, gain much clarity and feel much lighter all within 90 minutes.
~ Heather Rozen, Women’s Holistic Wellness Coach & Physical Therapist
What people are saying about working with Tani...
Working with Tani, was one of the best decisions I've ever made, in my life. Not only for my business but for my personal development too.
After working with Tani, I value my work, the hours I put in and the quality product I create. I’m able to set boundaries and not be pushed around by difficult clients as well as say “ no, I think that you’d be better off working with somebody else.”,when I know they aren’t a good fit . which I’ve never been able to do before. I'm also able to talk about my business, and feel confident in saying that I am an internationally published, award winning photographer and have the confidence to talk about my accomplishments due to working with Tani.
If you are thinking about working with Tani or have the opportunity to work with Tani, take it, take it, take it, TAKE IT! I 100% recommend it.
~ Michaela Firbas
Tani's approach has been completely ME oriented - which has been the best investment decision I could have made in my personal life AND my business. In focusing our sessions on ME and strengthening my mindset, I feel so much more confident in my ability to be a leader, to react to situations, to make decisions and to take life as it comes - moving forward.
Not only is working with Tani making a HUGE DIFFERENCE in my personal quality of life but this is also making a giant impact in my business. I completely recommend Tani as a wonderful mentor to help you.
~ Kinsey Streib
When I first started working with Tani, I had no direction in my business, and I felt just lost. She provided a wonderful, extremely in depth and thought out program that not only gave me guidance on what my gifts are for, but also on the direction of my business so it is totally aligned with my soul. My business hasn't been the same since. Now that I have a better sense of my soul's purpose, I am better able to show up in my life and in my business. Since this change, my social media following has increased over 200 people and have my first paying clients since I started my coaching biz two years ago. If anyone is feeling unsure about working with Tani, this is your invitation to finally release resistance and trust it.
~ Tara Rose
I started working with Tani because I felt stuck and didn’t know how to grow my business. I was at an income plateau, inspiration was dwindling and I was feeling overwhelmed. I am SO GLAD I took the leap to work with her (at the time I didn’t even know if I could afford to hire anyone).
The biggest changes I’ve noticed since working with her is first of all my own energy, optimism and feelings of being in total flow - the second is my income and client generation. It has completely changed and business, income and clients keep rolling in now!
I would recommend working with Tani FOR SURE because of her amazing ability to perfectly offer support, guidance and tools personally and in your business. She is truly a gem and you will never regret working with her!
~ Talia Joy
Tani's approach is intuitive and situational. She’s able to utilize her tool kit very effectively, applying tools at the right time for the right situation. Rather than a formula or a one-size-fits-all approach, Tani's approach was very personalized.
Tani is very gifted at helping shift mindsets around business, discovering what it means to have a successful business on your own terms, and being authentic when it comes to how you show up.
Her intuition is spot on. She's great at using mindset tools and incorporating them into her own wisdom & vision.
I had some big blocks that I couldn't get myself through, but with Tani's help, I was able to move through those and show up more fully in my business. I'm showing up consistently and authentically.
~ Janna Chapman
Before working with Tani, I was struggling to know my true self, find a deeper purpose for my life and to find peace from my anxiety and depression. It felt like a part of me was resisting progress even though another part of me was trying so hard to move forward. Tani helped me see parts of myself that I had always seen as not enough, as the beautiful parts of my entire being that exist for a purpose. And that realization was very freeing. Not only was the program life changing and supportive, it also gave me the resources and courage to live my purpose for a lifetime. Now I feel satisfied with my journey because I’m actually going somewhere instead of just stagnating.
~ Ali Castillo
Tani is a calming, intuitive, positive, high vibing woman and I have had the privilege of working with her for just over a year. She is an amazing listener and always knows the right thing to say in the moment. I had old traumas to work through and was able to break through the final barriers with Tani’s help. I had walls that needed breaking down so my business could thrive and Tani helped me with this too. I learned the power of gratitude, abundance and manifesting from Tani and the power each holds when striving for one’s best life. My life is forever changed by Tani’s guidance, teachings and wisdom. Our paths were meant to cross and for that I will be forever grateful.
~ Kristen Vogt
For years I stuffed down my true self; hiding, pretending to be what society wanted and deemed proper. With Tani's help and guidance I have been able to reshape my life to fit me and discover who I was always meant to be.
I no longer have to maneuver in a life that suffocated me with guilt and frustration. The program made me realize that I was out of alignment with who I really was meant to be. Once I started moving in the right direction it had a snowball effect.
Tearing down my walls and my false persona, I can finally breath and feel confident in who I am. Everything else in my life just clicked into place, the more I discovered the real me. The best thing about working with Tani is that you can feel she really cares and wants you to succeed.
~ Tee Byrne
Tani was so incredible! She knew exactly what questions to asked to help increase my insight and awareness. Tani was also able to pick up on a limiting belief I’ve been working through almost immediately. YES, she is that good! She also walked me through a guided healing meditation to uncover the origin of that particular limiting belief which brought me to a scene when I was 5 years old. This was HUGE because I’ve done A LOT of healings and inner work and have processed through many of my experiences, however, this particular incident has never been brought to my awareness so THIS WAS HUGE and super helpful for my journey! Overall, Tani was absolutely amazing and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to work with her. I would recommend Tani to anyone.
~ Kelly Espino
"I reached my $5000 income goal for the month in 11 days and will exceed it by at least 60%!”
“"Since joining the Manifestation Power Circle, I reached my $5000 income goal for the month in 11 days and will exceed it by at least 60%! I've also had people reach out asking to mentor with me! What Tani has provided is a safe space for us to live our wildest dreams, speak truth into them and watch the Universe provide. Being surrounded by a group of powerful women who encourage and support me and my goals is amazing"
I increased my clientele by 40% in one month.
Before I started working with Tani, I was very overwhelmed and did not know where to begin or what steps to take. She is very knowledgeable, direct and firm but also kind, patient, encouraging and she listens whole-heartedly. Since working with Tani, I’ve been able to change my attitude towards my business and am more focused, efficient and goal oriented. I increased my clientele by 40% in one month. If you invest in yourself by working with Tani, I believe you will get the best out of your business and life.
- Christine Huget, Massage Therapist
She is a gifted coach and mentor that any entrepreneur would be lucky to have on their side.
After working with several business coaches, I found Tani. Instantly I knew she was the perfect fit for me and she started helping me clear and heal some aspects of my past that I had addressed before, but Tani uncovered new aspects and thought patterns that I had never realized were holding me back. She zeroed in on exactly what I needed and provided me with actionable, concrete steps to re-write the old thought patterns I was stuck in. She analyzed my business and her approach was spot on with what I needed to do to level up and allow my true self and my business to fully merge. Tani is supportive and encouraging, but also pushed me to keep moving forward. She is a gifted coach and mentor that any entrepreneur would be lucky to have on their side.
~ Beth Trickett Manning,
Tani has a really fun and different approach to mindset that makes it really accessible to women and new entrepreneurs. She's been running a business for years and is a mother so she really understands how to incorporate mindset and self care in a way that doesn't take a ton of time. If you know that mindset and living a high vibe life is super important to all aspects of life and business, but aren't quite sure for to make it work for you then you need to hire Tani. She will show you how you can be your best self, show up for your clients and your business and take care of yourself in the process!
Michelle Knight, Branding and Business Strategist
Enrolling in Tani's Mentoring Program has been an absolute gift, and what I needed to gain the clarity and direction I was looking for to build my coaching business! When I first came to Tani, I was feeling overwhelmed at where to begin.
Tani has helped me shift my mindset to what is possible for my success! With each call I have with her, I gain incredible value and motivation to take my next actions. Tani provides many tools and materials in her program that helped me set a clear foundation in what I am doing, and where I am going.
She is with you every step of the way and guides you with her intuition and mentoring that leaves you feeling encouraged and supported! Thank you Tani for making a difference in my life and business!
- Theresa Dawn, Life Coach
Wow! I am so glad I turned to Tani when I was feeling stuck. I thought I had done a lot of work to clear my blocks already, but she guided me to uncover wounds I didn't know I had and immediately helped me to take steps to heal them. What's more, she offered me specific insights into my business that I could put in motion right away. If you are looking for a breakthrough, Tani can get you there!
~ Jenna Walenga, Wellness Coach
“If you are on the fence about working with Tani, DO IT! She is so knowledgable and will help you tap into your own intuition as well as use her intuitive gifts to help guide you to the life you truly want! Tani has a way of connecting to you that is hard to explain but so incredibly powerful! "
"very excited and motivated about the next steps FOR my business:
“Speaking with Tani is an absolute delight! Tani is very warm and loving and she gave me some great ideas of ways to market myself and my business. I left our call feeling very excited and motivated about next steps in the direction of my business. Thank you Tani!!! You are a wealth of knowledge and simply wonderful at what you do!"

“I recently had an intuitive reading with Tani! Tani is a beautiful soul, very caring and connected. Her reading was helpful and very accurate! Thank you Tani for being such a blessing to all!”
- Brenda Chisholm
Recently I had an amazing intuitive session with Tani. Tani is very intuitive and always spot on the guidance she is giving. She is not only delivering the message from the Spirit, but also she is guiding you how to navigate through it and to better understand it, which I believe is very important!
Thank you Tani for the amazing session
- Elitsa Maneva
I took Tani up on her offer for the mini session and I was really impressed. She took the time to do a reading on me before our session and she was dead on with her perception of me and what my fears are.
Her advise is insightful and I now just need to implement so that I can grow as a person and to also grow my business. It also helps that all my cards were so positive.
- Angela DuQuesnay
“I was feeling stuck in my business, feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to bring in more income. I felt like a small fish in a huge sea of coaches who were succeeding while I was barely treading water.
Tani’s energy is nurturing and kind and I immediately felt heard and supported. After implementing some of her strategy suggestions - I noticed an immediate growth in traffic on my page and had over 100 new likes in a week! I also experienced a huge increase in positive comments & messages and have been able to sell 5 spots in my newest program - meeting my goal! ”
T. Dickson, Intuitive Coach