I am a woman!


I am a woman.

I am a cyclical being.

I will be high energy, excited and motivated one week and then low energy, bored or full of doubts a couple weeks later.

I’ll be loving and understanding and one week and then angry and fierce the next.

I am all things: supportive and nurturing, protective and fierce, wild and wise, fun and silly, calm and peaceful, loud and excited. I am all things.

The more I can accept this, the happier I am. But it’s not easy. Sometimes it’s hard to love me through the emotional times and that’s ok. Sometimes it’s hard to accept this to be true because we’ve been taught that being consistent is highly prized, the way to get results and the ‘normal’ way to be.

This is because of the patriarchy which is not serving anyone.

Men’s brains focus on one thing at a time before moving on to the next. Women’s brains focus on multiple things all the time.

Masculine energy is linear and fixed. while feminine energy is cyclical and changing. I will no longer make myself wrong for not being more consistent or linear with my emotions or moods....because that is not my truth.

I am woman.

I am wild.

Love me or leave me...

Tani Morgan