
Hey lady,

As an Business Mindset Mentor for online creators & service providers, it’s my soul’s mission and greatest joy to empower women to discover their soul purpose, overcome limiting beliefs and feel confident in their unique gifts so they can create both income for their family and impact in their community through the soul-inspired business they dream of and deserve to have. Basically, I help women awaken to their true power and make money doing what they love.


But my life wasn't always this magical...


When I was 24 year old, I was seriously depressed.

Even though I was taking the highest possible dose of two different anti-depressants, most days it was still a struggle to get out of bed. I was barely eating, had no energy and all I wanted to do was to sleep.

I had zero desire left to live. I felt worthless and unlovable. I had to take a leave of absence from work, and stayed home, sleeping the days away. I was hiding from deep feelings of self-hatred and worthlessness. I was in the midst of incredible suffering and agony and I considered taking my own life daily.

I reached a point where my intense emotional distress caused my mind to shut down. It got so bad that I lost my ability to read.

I was so confused. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before.

I literally couldn't force my brain to process words on paper, no matter how long I stared at them. I was terrified and I knew I needed help. That’s when I finally picked up the phone and asked for help. Luckily, those were my darkest of days.

By asking for help, I learned that I have the power to choose my thoughts which would affect my emotions which would affect my actions. If I could transform my negative thought patterns into positive ones, I could choose how to feel every day.

And it worked, mostly… I was able to heal myself from depression but, as recent as just a few years ago, I was still struggling.


I didn’t know it at the time, but this feeling of anguish and emptiness occurred as a direct result of me neglecting my soul, ignoring my innate gifts, and denying my true desires.


I didn’t understand why I wasn’t happy. I had everything that we’re told we need to live happily ever after. I had followed the fairy tale formula, that we are all taught. I had finished school, got a good job, married a loving man, had wonderful kids and even bought our dream house, but still I wasn’t happy.

I wasn’t clinically depressed, but I still felt like an empty shell. I STILL had no energy, and it was still a struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I knew something was missing, but I didn’t know what. I wondered “isn’t there more to life than this? “

I knew I needed a MASSIVE change. If I didn’t do something, I feared I’d slide back into that terrible depression I’d experienced years before.


I knew it was time to make a big change.


That’s when I made the choice to begin following my inner wisdom. I had been ignoring my intuition for years so struggled to hear it and trust it enough to take action on it. I knew I was meant to help others but didn’t know exactly how to do that so I just started anyway.

I was getting pretty good at seeing synchronicities and signs from the Universe and they were saying that I was meant to coach other women. So I hired a great business coach to help guide me and help me build my business. I was having some success but still felt scattered, and unclear about how I’m meant to help people.


I struggled to show up consistently, to create content and be seen online. I felt like I was constantly running up against a wall, unsure of my direction, feeling stuck, praying for clarity etc.

I didn’t know it at the time but I was struggling because I wasn’t fully living my purpose. I had started down the path but hadn’t taken enough time to uncover and understand my unique soul gifts and my mission.  Once I really truly got to know myself on a deep level so that I could understand my soul mission and included my unique gifts, in my business, everything changed.


But this didn’t just happen,
it was a choice that I made to create a soul aligned life and business.


Now, that I have taken the time to fully understand who I am and why my soul came to this earth, my business has direction and meaning. I make money doing what I love by fulfilling my soul’s mission. I’m motivated and energized to serve those that need me and it feels fun and easy to create content and to take bold action.

I now see what is possible when we use our unique gifts and soul’s mission to build a business and start living our purpose.

And if I can do it, so can you! That inner calling you feel, that nudging for more, it’s real and completely valid. That’s your soul calling you to live your purpose. The question is….

Will you answer her?


Your business bursting with purpose, joy, and abundance is totally possible and just within your reach.


You deserve to have everything your heart longs for.


I help women just like you, identify and express their soul gifts out into the world.

I teach you how to connect into that wise compass within you-- the intuitive voice that’s calling for you to manifest the life you want.

I help you and your soul-aligned business thrive through energetic expansion and embodying your highest self.

Ready to begin your transformation?


Professional bio


Tani Morgan is a Mindset Empowerment Coach & Spiritual Counsellor for new female business owners, a Yoga Teacher and the founder of TaniMorgan.com. She has built multiple successful businesses that impact thousands of women every year. Combining her business degree (B.Comm), her management experience in sales, customer service and advertising with her powerful intuition and spiritual practice, she now empowers women to discover their true purpose and feel confident in their unique gifts so they can build a soul-inspired business to create both income for their family and impact in their community.
