SoulFire Academy



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SoulFire is the Feminine Power, Magnetism & Energy that comes from your soul essence.

It creates Unshakeable Self-Worth and Inner Self-Approval that empowers you to call in more Pleasure, Purpose and Prosperity.

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• Showing up with power, integrity and confidence instead of doubting your worth or value.

Holding firm boundaries, guarding your energy and worth like never before.

Naturally attracting dream clients because you’re magnetic and radiant in your truth.

• Having difficult conversations with ease and confidence and closing sales conversations confidently and effortlessly.

Feeling sexier, expressed and more connected to your body than ever.

• Showing up as fully-expressed confident you, knowing you’re truly a goddess.

Upleveling your abundance by trusting your value, charging higher prices and earning more without hustling and burning out. No more guilt around thriving.

Owning your spiritual beliefs with grace because they are right for you regardless of what anyone else says.

• Truly leading us into the new era - going after your dreams unapologetically, calling other women into their highest selves and trusting that if you’re called to it, you’ll be supported in it.


SoulFire Academy is a development incubator for female entrepreneurs that was handcrafted to strip away untruths & nurture your inner goddess to develop:

Psychic Powers, Manifestation Mastery, Visionary Leadership and Infinite Inner Richness.


Women are naturally wired for leadership, ingenuity & collaboration but we’ve given our power away due to the way we were raised. We look outside ourselves for validation, permission and worth leading to anxiety, frustration and feeling like there is something wrong with us.

This programming often creates people-pleasing and perfectionist tendencies which leads to feeling uncomfortable showing up as their true authentic self and/or it creates a hidden pattern of constantly being a damsel in distress, which gets in the way of building a business or calling in abundance. Do you know anyone like that? Perfectionists or people pleasers? 😘


But the truth is,

When we take the time to heal ourselves from this deep programming…

We become even more powerful leaders and business owners, sharing our gifts to make the planet a better place.

We can finally be fully expressed, accepted and loved as our true selves. 

We can feel confident in being seen and heard while sharing our unique gifts and deep vulnerabilities.

We become magnetic and alluring to clients, opportunities and the income and impact we want to see in the world. Doesn’t that sound freakin’ amazing?

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What would your business look like if you were consistently living from your SoulFire?

Mindset Empowerment Coach Tani Morgan

It’s time to make it happen.

Everything we accomplish in the world is a reflection of who we are inside. The stronger, clearer and more powerful you are, the more capable you are of achieving the big goals, being resilient in the face of challenges and experiencing the joy of your deepest desires manifesting.



SoulFire Academy



Develop Psychic Powers, Manifestation Mastery, Visionary Leadership and Infinite Inner Richness.



Captivate, Magnetize and Manifest
Boundaries & Empowered Communication
Energetic Mastery
Emotional Kink & Alchemy
Infinite Worth
Optimize Yourself Get Best ROI
Shadow Work To Feel Whole. Ditch perfectionism.
Create happiness & success with ancient wisdom
Lead a Paradigm Shift

Are you ready to activate your SoulFire?

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Tara Rose, Intuitive Coach & Medium

“When I first started working with Tani, I had no direction in my business, and I felt just lost. She provided a wonderful, extremely in depth and thought out program that not only gave me guidance on what my gifts are for, but also on the direction of my business so it is totally aligned with my soul. My business hasn't been the same since. Now that I have a better sense of my soul's purpose, I am better able to show up in my life and in my business. Since this change, my social media following has increased over 200 people and have my first paying clients since I started my coaching biz two years ago. If anyone is feeling unsure about working with Tani, this is your invitation to finally release resistance and trust it. “

~ Tara Rose



  • 9 Months Live Training Modules that guide you through the journey of reconnecting your soul, reprogramming your mind, and stepping into your highest self so that you can reach your next level in your biz. (Value $2250)

  • 9 Months Mastermind/Group Coaching Calls to get all your questions answered and receive hot-seat coaching around anything that’s getting in your way so that you can accelerate your growth. (Value$2250)

  • Bonus Private Community where you can access personalized, digital coaching support, elevated energy and an amazing community of authentic women stepping into their power. (Value $1000)

  • Five private 1:1 calls (45-min) with Tani to activate your SoulFire abundance even faster. (Value $1250)

  • 9 Months of high-level support from Tani and a tight-knit sisterhood of magical women because together we can do anything. (Priceless)

  • Powerful mantras & meditations to supercharge and boost your growth & expansion.

  • A group Energy Healing Session to energetically clear out past wounds and harmful patterns. (Value $349)

    • BONUS #1: Monthly Manifesting Power Circles with your very own group of co-creators bringing your manifestations into reality now. (Value $900)

    • BONUS #2: The first 5 women to sign up will receive an additional four (4), 45-min private 1:1 calls with Tani for extra support so you can accelerate your growth with a private call every single month.


This is an energetic mastery & personal development program where you’ll learn to harness the power of your inner universal energy and become your highest self to accelerate your business growth.


Your Investment



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SAVE $3000

$555 USD/Month (for 9 months)

(or $4995 USD Pay In Full)

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“Tani's approach has been completely ME oriented - which has been the best investment decision I could have made in my personal life AND my business. In focusing our sessions on ME and strengthening my mindset, I feel so much more confident in my ability to be a leader, to react to situations, to make decisions and to take life as it comes - moving forward.

Not only is working with Tani making a HUGE DIFFERENCE in my personal quality of life but this is also making a giant impact in my business. I completely recommend Tani as a wonderful mentor to help you.”

~ Kinsey Streib

Kinsey Strieb, happy mindset testimonial

 Who is this for?

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This program is for you if you’ve been:

  • shrinking yourself, hiding your light and feeling invisible, because you’re afraid of what others think, getting it wrong or being seen in your full authenticity.

  • struggling with boundaries and find it difficult to stand out, speak up or ask for your needs and desires to be met

  • trying to fit into an outdated mold of what we should do in business and are ready to stop following the script of what you should do, and instead forge a new path, your own way.

  • in an endless cycle of healing and self-help without ever truly feeling whole and free.

  • letting insecurity, doubt and fear get in the way of your destiny

  • longing to be live more as your powerful, confident, and resilient SoulSelf and less on the up and down rollercoaster of business.

  • feeling secretly discouraged, lonely and ashamed even though no one can tell or would guess that you don’t feel smart enough, creative enough, capable enough, or good enough (despite your accomplishments and praise).

Manifesting Mentor Talia Joy

“I started working with Tani because I felt stuck and didn’t know how to grow my business. I was at an income plateau, inspiration was dwindling and I was feeling overwhelmed. I am SO GLAD I took the leap to work with her (at the time I didn’t even know if I could afford to hire anyone).

The biggest changes I’ve noticed since working with her is first of all my own energy, optimism and feelings of being in total flow - the second is my income and client generation. It has completely changed and business, income and clients keep rolling in now!

I would recommend working with Tani FOR SURE because of her amazing ability to perfectly offer support, guidance and tools personally and in your business. She is truly a gem and you will never regret working with her!”

~ Talia Joy

Tani Morgan, Spiritual Empowerment Coach

Who's leading this thing?

Hi there, I'm Tani Morgan, a Mindset Empowerment Coach and I've built multiple successful businesses that impact thousands of women every year.​

I’ve spent the last 5 years working with female entrepreneurs to build soul-aligned businesses. I help female entrepreneurs heal stuck patterns, embody greatness and amplify their inner power, purpose, pleasure and prosperity so they can create both income for their family and impact in their community.

I’ve found that activating & embodying your inner goddess creates all sorts of magic that I call SoulFire. When I first started my business, I was seeing some success but I still doubted my abilities and worth deep down. I’ve spent the last two years learning how to know, love and approve of myself to create unshakeable worth and inner strength so I could shine my gifts all over the internet, book out my practice and feel incredibly secure about who I am and what I have to offer.

Now I’m excited to teach you how to activate your SoulFire to amplify your psychic powers, manifestation mastery, visionary leadership and infinite inner richness… PLUS all the practical benefits of stepping into your fully expressed, highest self, fully approving of yourself and being incredibly confident in your unique soul gifts and worth. This is also the perfect foundation to create an authentic soulful business & brand.

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Mindset Coaching

“Before working with Tani, I was struggling to know my true self, find a deeper purpose for my life and to find peace from my anxiety and depression. It felt like a part of me was resisting progress even though another part of me was trying so hard to move forward. Tani helped me see parts of myself that I had always seen as not enough, as the beautiful parts of my entire being that exist for a purpose. And that realization was very freeing. Not only was the program life changing and supportive, it also gave me the resources and courage to live my purpose for a lifetime. Now I feel satisfied with my journey because I’m actually going somewhere instead of just stagnating.”

~ Ali Castillo


 It’s time…

We are living at an incredible point in history where the world is experiencing a massive shift in consciousness and women all over the world are rising up and reclaiming their birthright power. These women are courageously pulling away at their false protective persona to reveal their most beautiful, powerful, joyful and confident self. From this empowered place, these women are then identifying the problems they want to change in the world and then courageously creating solutions through thriving, caring, responsible companies that improve the lives of their family, their communities and the entire world.

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They understand that tapping into their true essence and inner goddess is one of the most powerful energies on the planet and they aren’t afraid to use it for the forces of good.

You are one of them.

This is your time.

You’re meant for so much more.

Will you join us?





Snag your spot now

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from this program?

My approach to coaching is authentic, non-judgmental and life changing.  I offer support, guidance and lots of love while you heal your past, realize your true value, create emotional freedom, and start living as your most authentic self.

You’ll leave feeling clearer, more empowered and crystal clear on your next steps to create the business & life of your wildest dreams.

Can you guarantee results?

If you show up, do the work and stay committed to the process, an extraordinary shift is inevitable.

What if I can’t make every call?

That’s ok, all the calls will be recorded so you can watch when you ready.

What if I am not a business owner, can I still benefit?

Yes! I work with many types of people and empowerment coaching applies to all areas of your life. After working with Tani, women report healing past wounds, shifting perspective and beliefs, finding emotional freedom, becoming their authentic self,  and breaking through issues they thought were already taken care.

What is the next step?

You click the blue button above and fill out your application for SoulFire Academy. Within 48 hours, you’ll receive an email from my team and if accepted, you’ll make your payment and secure your spot. Then you’ll receive a pre-work package so you can get started right away. Feel free to reach out to me anytime for support.

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It's time, isn't it?
Secure your spot today!


We are able to offer a limited number of scholarships to those who have a financial need or disadvantages that would otherwise prevent them from taking advantage of this opportunity. We also want to acknowledge the efforts of those fighting racism and discriminatory injustices, by making this program accessible to them.

Disadvantages may be a result of financial circumstances, holding a historically oppressed identity, or hardships due to political destabilization in a country of origin.



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