Inner Work Application
Submit this form and we’ll get back to you within 48 biz hours.
Please note, this form is an application to work privately with Tani Morgan. The goal is to answer your questions, as it pertains to your individual business, as well as give Tani the information needed so you both feel confident investing in The Inner Work.
I can’t wait to hear about you, your business, where you are and where you’d like to be.
If we’re a right fit after this application, then I’ll happily send over a link to secure your spot for April. Please note there is only 1 spots available right now. Once your application is approved, you’ll have an opportunity to claim the last spot via email.
Fill out the form below to see if we are a match. This is a no-charge, no pressure call designed to help you change lives and live a life of freedom and impact.
Here’s what you’ll get in the Connection Call:
A uniquely customized and personal conversation to help you uncover what’s in the way of reaching your goals.
A powerful empowerment technique that you can implement into your life and see business results right away.
An introduction to my Inner Work Coaching Program and how it will make building the business of your dreams easier and more enjoyable, including how it works, why it’s unique and how it can improve your specific situation as it has for many before you.
DISCLAIMER: This program is intended to help you
identify your life purpose, and hidden en gifts to reveal your soul aligned niche so you can build your business to make a difference in the world. I can not make any guarantees about the results you will get because I can’t guarantee that you’ll do the work. It takes time, effort and money to uncover your true self and align it with your business. I’ll help by giving you guidance, direction, tools, resources and accountability but you simply will have to do the work to see the results you desire. Nothing on this page or any of my website is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and I do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Thank you for reading this all.