Truth Bomb Time
How to Move Through Life’s Curve Balls with Grace and Faith
It doesn’t matter how strong of a mindset you have or how much you’ve mastered manifesting, there will be some bumps in the road.
There are going to be some tough moments.
We are having human experiences and so relationships are going to be challenging, people we love will get hurt or sick, some will die before we think they should, we’ll lose jobs, friends and more.
What matters here is the inner work you have done that allows you to move through these experiences with grace.
In the last few months, I’ve experienced some really tough situations. Partnerships dissolving, a friendship destroyed and some big unexpected financial expense. I’ve made mistakes that I’m not proud of.
And that’s OK.
It doesn’t say actually mean anything about who I truly am. They’ve taught me resilience and self-forgiveness. And most of all, they’ve taught me how far I’ve come.
If any of these things had happened a couple of years ago, I would have been devastated it.
But now, I’ve noticed that I know how to move through even the biggest stuff with grace and gratitude.
Yes, there have been big emotions that came up and I let them be there. I leaned into them to discover what they had to tell me and what I could learn from them.
One of my friends said, “Wow, you seem really ok with all of this?”
And I was, I am.
I have faith that everything presented to me is for my highest good in one way or another.
How would it change your experience of life to have the same faith?
To be able to move through the most challenging times with grace and peace of mind?
Here are 3 things I do when life throws me unexpected curve balls:
Choose love, kindness, and generosity toward myself and others. I ensure that I prioritize self-care, but I also find that doing a kind act for another person also helps to lift my mood by shifting my attention from what’s going on to someone in need.
Pray or meditate.
Listen to inspirational podcasts or audiobooks or play my favourite music and move.
If you need more ideas on how to trust the universe, check out this article.
There may be days that you won’t feel like doing anything to shake your bad mood and that’s okay too. My point is that you allow yourself to feel, accept, and move forward in a way that feels good to you.
Leave a comment and let me know how you keep the faith or if this is something you struggle with.