3 Simple Steps To Manifesting
Let’s talk manifesting. I love this topic and have been doing the work for a few years now and wanted to share my three simple steps.
I manifested a free trip to Disney for my family and I, last June I manifested a cheque that paid for me to go to both New York and Spain and manifesting has become such a part of my life now that I am constantly calling in free stuff all the time. A couple days ago, my daughter and I received two free Bacon & Egg McMuffins, a few days before that we were out for dinner and manifested my husbands steak dinner for free. Another time we were out, we received two free dinners and a free dessert. I know it sounds like we received some really bad food or service but we didn’t. I’ve also manifested free photo shoots, massages, bracelets, pint glasses, coaching calls, and so much more….I can’t even keep track anymore and it know just feels like that’s the way life is.
#1 Raise Your Vibration - this is so important, because the higher your vibration, the more joy, love and peace that you will feel and therefore attract even more into your life. You can use happiness techniques like this to raise your energetic set-point but you’ll also have to identify and shift any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You’ll also want to make sure you are living in alignment with your values and your soul’s purpose. Basically, you want to do the inner work that will allow your external world to reflect your inner world. My favorite vibration raising hacks are gratitude (which I’m sure you’ve heard before but that is because it really truly works) and blessing others. To bless others, you simply, in your mind sincerely wish for them to have lasting happiness, or you can think “I bless you with pure source energy. I bless you with love and light.”
But you can’t just think it, you have to really feel it in your heart. This is not a technique for getting out of a funk - to do that, you’ll want to crank some music, move your body and use your voice. But to simply raise your vibration when you are already feeling good then you bless people and even things. You can bless the trees or power poles and when you really feel it, and really mean it, it raises your own vibration and the vibration of the person you are blessing.
If you’ve been working on raising your vibration and haven’t seen the manifesting results that you want, then it’s likely you have a limiting belief or emotional block that needs to be shifted. Often, you can’t see it yourself and you’ll need someone else to pinpoint it for you.
As soon as I started raising my vibration, little manifestations started to happen and I knew it was my sign from the universe to keep working at it. And as I did, the manifestation got bigger and bigger.
I started by raising my vibration. I used happiness techniques to raise my happiness set point. Then I started to dig into the junk that was holding me back and bring me down. I found that even when I used the happiness techniques on a regular basis, there were still times when I really struggled to stay high vibe. This awareness allowed me to see that there were some places where I wasn’t living in alignment with my values. So I identified my values and started living them. Then I identified my limiting beliefs and re-programmed them. I also pinpointed any energetic blocks that were holding me back and healed the wounds that were creating those. .
#2 - Follow Your Intuition: This is key because your intuition is your phone line to God, to Source, Spirit or the Universe. And if Your Creator has a plan for you, the way that you find out what that plan is, is by listening to your intuition, your inner voice. So how does this help with manifesting? Have you ever heard the expression of being in flow? This is how you get into flow. Flow is the universe’s plan for you, and that’s why it feels so good, comforting and easy and this is why when you get into the flow, you manifest your desires much more easily.
So tap into your intuition. Get silent and still. Meditate. Ask for guidance. Listen & Watch. Learn how to become clair-audient, clair-sentient and clair-voyant and clair-cognizant. These are gifts that we all have and can develop more fully. Yes, one may come more easily to you that the others. Some may come more easily to other people but we all have the ability to develop these spiritual gifts so start listening to your gut. And follow it. If you feel that you need to go to the store to buy bananas, go to the store. You have no idea who you may run into or see. If you feel you need to turn left instead of right, do it.
I was just talking with a client who followed her intuition to Hawaii and ended up running into Wayne Dyer on the beach and he signed a book for her!! Imagine that!!!!
When I felt the pull to go to the local metaphysical bookstore, I followed it which led me to a book that spoke right to me. It spoke a truth that I already knew but had forgotten. This book and a series of other synchronicities led me all the way to Spain and right after I booked the trip, I received a cheque big enough to pay for my trip.
If I hadn’t listened to my intuition, I wouldn’t have manifested that trip. Also if I hadn’t taken the courageous action of booking my trip without knowing how I was going to pay for it, then I wouldn’t have manifested the trip either.
#3- Take Massive, Courageous and Inspired Action: I know we’d all like it if we could just raise our vibration, be happy, meditate and have the things we desire fall into our laps, but that’s not the way it works. Even Abraham who says that all the work is energetic and it’s not efforting, says that you have to meditate to find out what the next steps are and then you have to take them. It doesn’t have to be hard or draining but sometimes you have to be brave and you have to put the work in. You have to show the universe that you are serious and that you are willing to do what it takes to make your desires come into reality.
When I felt the call to go to Spain, it felt impossible and scary. How could I leave my family behind and fly off to Europe? How could I travel the world alone? How would I afford it when it wasn’t in the budget?
So first, I checked in with my intuition which was strongly saying “Yes, yes, yes this is what you are supposed to do!” Then I checked in with the universe and asked for a sign. I said “ok, If I have enough Airmiles then that means that I’m meant to go”. I checked and I did.
But when I went to book with Airmiles, I realized that I would have to use most of my Airmiles and I would still have to pay $700 in airport taxes and fees. This didn’t make sense to me as I knew if I flew to the US, then my fees would be around $120.
At this place, I could have let fear overcome me or see it as a sign that I wasn’t meant to go but I knew deep in my heart that I was meant to go so I booked the flights on my credit card. This was my massive brave action. I didn’t know how I was going to pay for it but I did it anyway because I trusted the universal signs and I trusted myself. And sure enough 4 days later I found out that I was getting a check that would cover my whole trip!!!
If you don’t take action, you don’t look committed and you aren’t energetically telling the universe that you are ready to receive your desires.
While we talked about those tips, I also gave you techniques that have allowed me to manifest a free trip to New York, Florida and Spain, unexpected cash, clients and much much more. A gratitude practice, blessing others, identifying and re-programming limiting beliefs, uncovering and release energetic blocks, mindfulness and meditation, following my intuition ALL the TIME! And of course taking massive courageous action. Trusting yourself and the universe enough to take action in the direction of your dreams.