3 Telltale Signs You are Settling in Life
When you look around, how many people do you think are settling?
I see a ton of people settling into a job, or a relationship, or even settling with a circle of friends.
This means they are settling with their life.
And that’s okay for some…
But is it what you truly desire?
Not me! I don’t know about you but I want an extraordinary life, an obscenely abundant life, a life that truly makes a difference to others and leaves a legacy for my children.
Settling is comfortable, familiar and easy but I do NOT believe it’s our purpose on this earth.
Here are three telltale signs that you are settling for less than you deserve:
You feel jealousy and envy toward others: You want more, you know you deserve more but you find yourself jealous and envious toward people who are going after the things you want.
You feel depleted: You constantly feel tired or drained because you are doing things that are not in alignment. This is especially true if you are taking care of yourself, such as eating well, sleeping, and exercising.
You’re waiting for someday: You want big things in life but you keep saying ‘someday’ as though it is a day of the week. You find yourself waiting for the right circumstances, more money, a better job, etc.
We were not created, just to pay bills and then die.
We weren’t created to settle.
We were created to follow our passion, to live our purpose and to become a powerful creator of our lives.
We were meant to live a life that is thrilling and purposeful.
We were meant to live a life that is passionate and fulfilling.
That’s what life is really about.
Isn’t it?
If you found yourself relating to any of the above, I encourage you to take a hard look at what is holding you back from going after the life you truly want. Journal, meditate, seek help, but stop settling. You will thank yourself later!
Did you find yourself relating to any of these? If so, comment below.