Be Confident and Successful in Sales


Become confident and successful in sales with these easy 5 steps.

Sales has a bad reputation….but the truth is that, selling is what makes your business grow. Without them, you won’t have a business for long.

I know you know this already…. and yet it still feels hard to show up and sell sometimes, right?


Well, you’ve been subconsciously trained to see sales as a bad thing….by all the bad sales experiences you’ve had, by all the negative comments you’ve heard about salespeople and all the sleazy used car salesmen characters on TV and in the movies.

So if you haven’t already, you must reprogram your mind to see sales differently.

And here’s how to do that.

First remember that you are not a sleazy salesperson, so you definitely aren’t going to act like one. You’re a purpose-driven business owner who wants to make a positive impact in the world. You’re here to help people, not to manipulate you’ve never going to be the sleazy salesman that you’re afraid people will think you are.

Once you remind yourself of this fact, it will start to feel easier already and you’re ready to move on to the next step.

  • Get excited about your offer and grounded in it’s value. Look at proof of how you’ve helped others or yourself. Look at positive reviews & testimonials on the regular to remind yourself of how much your offer will help.

  • Make showing up fun for yourself. You know you’re going to have to show up somehow to share your offer with your community so do it in a way that is fun for you. I love doing challenges so I make them fun with a welcome party where I dress up. You can do webinars, write posts or blogs, do an Instagram stories event or challenges but make sure you enjoy it. The joyful energy will attract more people than if you follow a strategy that you think you “should”. 

  • Set the intention to be in integrity and to serve others.  Before showing up, visualize all the people who you’ll be able to help with your offer and how they will be better off after. See yourself showing up to sell as your way to serve your community. Then tap into your why to get excited about serving them.

  • Show up, serve & sell.  Create a touch point event with your community, share valuable free information that will help them, your story and your offer with all its amazing benefits.

  • Let go of attachment. When we hold on to the outcome, we don’t leave space for our desire to flow to us and block sales that could otherwise happen. How? Well, it’s the energy that you're putting out - when you’re really attached to the outcome, then it can feel desperate & needy and while your community may not know it consciously, something within will make them say “no”.

These 5 tips will help you get out there and talk about your amazing offers but then what happens when someone books a sales call….

I recommend looking at the enrollment conversation (sales call) as an opportunity to see if the potential client is a good fit to work with, instead of seeing it as an opportunity to “get a client”. 

That means, don’t go into your discovery calls with the intention of signing a client… Instead, go in with curiosity and the intention to get to know them, to understand what they are struggling with and to see if you can help them.  This changes the dynamics and energy of the conversation and will create less pressure on yourself and simply feel better. 

Also, I suggest that you show up in integrity and with love to every call and I often suggest saying a little prayer or setting an intention like “Dear Spirit, please help me be in integrity and ensure that we only choose to work together if it is in the highest good for all involved.” 

This can help you release attachment to the outcome which is also important when considering the energetics of selling. If you truly believe that it will happen if it’s meant to and that if it doesn’t happen, then it wasn’t meant to, you’ll have a much easier time with selling.

When you go into an enrollment conversation with the true intention to serve and to see if there's a real connection, the other person can feel it. This allows enrollment conversations to both feel safe for the potential client and enjoyable for you. So ask yourself, how can you be more loving, more in integrity and safer in your sales conversations? 

Another way to make sure the conversation is enjoyable for you is to practice & eventually master your enrollment calls so you feel confident. Roleplay with your biz BFF, your partner or your friends as it is an incredible way to improve your skills quickly without actually doing sales calls. 

Mastering your sales calls is really important because think of how much work it takes to get a lead, to get a discovery call….you don’t want to blow it on the call. If you have an 80-90% closing ratio then all the marketing to create the leads is going to really feel worth it. If you’re doing all the marketing and then blow every lead in the call, then it’s going to feel ridiculously hard to grow your business. 

My last tip is to make sure you relax when you start talking about the price of your products, or the investment for your services. Money is a subject that brings up intense feelings for many people, so the more relaxed you are, the better your relationship with money is, the more comfortable your potential client is going to be....(and the more likely that they will buy from you). 

People stay where they feel comfortable, safe and loved so work on these tips and you’ll be an enrollment conversation master in no time.

I’d love to hear how these tips worked for you…

Tani Morgan