How To Create An Abundance Mindset
I have been manifesting miracles for over 5 years with my miraculous mindset of abundance. I’ve manifested a 5 acre, $750 000 property that was out of our budget and felt like it would be impossible to ever own. I’ve manifested unexpected large amounts of money being deposited in to my account or appearing in a cheque. I’ve followed my intuition to Palma de Mallorca, Spain and then manifested the money to pay for the trip. I’ve just recently manifested free tickets to The Mindset Retreat in Atlanta, Georgia and Free Trip to Disneyworld for my family and I. I’ve also created two thriving businesses.
The reason that I wanted to talk about this with you today is that so that many women that I talk to have money as their main stressor. They do not feel abundant financially and all they can see is lack. And it doesn’t have to be this way. You have the power and the ability to shift your reality.
And I want you to know that you can shift your mind today, right now. It’s totally possible.
What is an abundance mindset?
Well, it’s when your thoughts are in alignment with an abundance frequency. It’s making the decision that “you live in an abundant universe as opposed to a universe of lack and limits?”
It’s when you are focusing on the abundance that you have in your life instead of focusing on what you don’t have.
It’s shifting from seeing the lack to seeing and feeling appreciation for the abundance that is already in your life.
Someone with a lack mentality thinks: there is never enough, believes times are tough & hoards from others, competes to stay on top, resents the other competitors and doesn’t share knowledge, resources, or support.
Whereas, someone with an abundant mindset thinks: there is always more, believes the best is yet to come and shares with others, collaborates to win, welcomes competition and is generous with knowledge, resources, and support.
We always have choices, if not in the physical external world, at the very least we have a choice in how we are going to view the situation, how we will view our external reality.
Lack mentality is “how can I get more clients, more money etc?” and and abundance mentality is “how can I serve more people? How can I share my divine gifts with the world?”
Someone in a lack mentality has a default of being suspicious & it’s hard to build rapport with them.
But those with an abundance mindset creates rapport and trust easily (b/c they aren’t worries that someone might being trying to get their stuff, because they know that there is enough for everybody to go around).
The truth is that we do live in an abundant universe and you are one of the most abundant beings on this planet. The universe is set up to support you, it is not a giant uncaring random expression of biology.
The universe is created from loving, intelligent divine energy and when we align our thoughts with this energy, miracles happen.
SO how does focusing on the abundance attract more money, clients and success?
Well if you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you know that everything is energy and and we are connected to each other through this energy a bit like a spider web. And if you are new to me, then now you know too.
That means our thoughts are energy and every time we have a thought that thought is putting out a little pulse of energy into this web.
This thought attracts a situation or thing with similar vibration. So if you are thinking “ I don’t have any money, I don’t have any money” then that energy will bring you more situations where you don’t have money.
I lived like this for a long time, hating the day that I had to empty my bank account to pay the bills, looking forward to the next payday and feeling guilty about any debt that I had. I’m guessing that since you are here, then you have a good idea of what that feels like, yes? Let me know that I’m not alone here.
If you switch your thoughts to “I am already abundant. I have more than I need, etc” then you will attract more abundance.
So that is how your thoughts energetically affect your abundance.
Let’s look at the practical side of it. Your thoughts affect your actions, if you think a task is impossible, then you are much less likely to give it your all than if you know the task is possible to complete, right? Make sense, yes?
Let’s use a little example with money.
I want to show you how a simple mindset shift can drastically affect your behavior and actions. Are you willing to play a little game with me?
I want to decide that you are going to bring in an extra $10K next are you going to do that? List out as many ways in the comments below. Now close your eyes and imagine how it feels to to take those actions. How motivated are you to take these actions? On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to take these actions next week?
Now imagine that someone comes to your house and tells you that if you don’t have $10K by the end of next week, he will kill you and your family. What are you now willing to do to find the $10K? How motivated are you? Are you willing to get on a FB live and offer all your services? Are you willing to do jobs that you hate? Maybe even ask your parents, your friends, your family?
So on a very practical level, if your why behind the money is strong enough, you’ll take the action necessary to make it happen, right?
Creating thoughts in your mind that support you taking action in your business as well as thoughts that align with the abundant nature of the universe is key to having a successful mindset of abundance in 2019.
How do you focus your thoughts to create abundant pathways in your brain so manifesting becomes effortless?
You practice. I’m sorry if you wanted a quick fix or magic pill but the truth is, it does take time and practice be be consistent. You can start right now and receive results very quickly but to create an abundant mindset that is effortless and part of your being and life, then you’ll want to practice.
The first thing that you’ll want to do is to shift your focus from what you don’t have enough of and look for what you do have enough of. So when it’s time to pay the bills, be grateful that there is money in your account to pay for them, be grateful that the company gave you the service or the credit that you are paying for. And the way that you do this is your practice. You bless the bills each time you pay them, you bless any cheques that you receive. Take a moment and feel gratitude for any money that does come in. Thank the universe and ask for more!
Each time that you practice these new thoughts, your brain creates a new pathway in your brain and the more often you think the same thought, the more ingrained it becomes and the easier it is to think that same thought in the future. This is what it is to actually create a abundant mindset...where you have practiced so much that it become natural to see and feel appreciation for the blessings in your life. Feeling gratitude becomes a natural emotion for you and your vibration raises. The higher you vibrate, the more positive your experiences will be.
So of course, mindfulness, meditation and positive affirmations are a great way to create a mindset of abundance.
Looking for the proof that you are abundant will help cement your beliefs of abundance into your brain.
3 billion people live on less than $2.50 per day. If you compare yourself to that, I’m sure you will feel abundant.
If you look at the food that you have in your fridge and compare it to starving children in Africa or India, you can see the abundance that you have.
If you compare the home that you live in to what the refugees displaced all over the world have to sleep in, then you can feel abundance in that.
You’ll also want to carefully select the company that you keep. Mindsets are contagious so you want to surround yourself with people who love money, who have money and who want to make more money. This was a struggle that I overcame last year. I felt a lot of shame telling people that I had a home with an indoor pool in it and I felt like people were judging me. I realized that a lot of the people that I came into contact every week lived in a very lack mindset. So I asked the universe to bring some people into my life that were wealthy and owned it, were proud of it. And sure enough, I now have dear friends that are successful, wealthy and proud of it. A conversation with one of these friends really helped me have an A-ha moment and breakthrough the shame and guilt that I had around living a more lavish lifestyle than others. I was saying that sometimes I’m embarrassed to mention that I have a pool because I feel like others will judge me and she said “ Oh no, not me, I own it. We started with nothing in a little 2 bedroom townhouse and we’ve built our little empire! I’m proud of what we have created!” And I was like “Holy shit, that’s so true! MY husband and I had a similar story - We started in a 900 sqft condo, my husband was raised by a single mother and we have worked our butts off to get to where we are today!”
I could have easily been talking to someone else that lives in a lack mindset and she could have answered something like “ ya, I wouldn’t tell people about your pool either.” and that would have just compounded my shame, right?
So this is a really good demonstration of how the people that you surround yourself with can influence your mindset. So how do you find people with an abundance mindset? Well, #1 ask for it to happen, #2 join group programs or masterminds where success or wealth is celebrated and # 3 watch for opportunities in your life to connect with people who are more successful or wealthy than you are.
Ok, so to recap Step #1 - is to shift your focus from lack to abundance through mindfulness and gratitude
Step #2 is to surround yourself with others who have a abundant mindset. People who love money, who have wealth and are proud of it and you do this by setting the intention, asking for it and looking for opportunities in your life.
Is this clear? If you have any questions pop them in below, otherwise type “YES” into the comments so that I know that you are ready to move on!
Step #3 is Raising Your Vibration.
When we raise our vibration to that of acceptance, joy, love, gratitude and peace, that is when we get in the flow and manifesting becomes more powerful. So what we want to do is to ask ourselves, how can we move up the vibrational chart? How can we choose another thought that is a step up from where we currently are? How can we heal to let go of an emotional block? How can we become more in alignment with who we are so our true nature of joy and love shines through.
One of the techniques that I have found to work the best is meditation, because when we cease thought, we cease negative thoughts and we create space for bubbles of joy to arise.
And we can also use a visualization meditation to marinate our mind in the emotion that we want so that it becomes more familiar to use. We create neural pathways in our brain that allow us access those feelings more easily. If you want to feel more abundant then spend some time using your imagination. Sit and imagine what it would feel like to have all your needs and wants met. Imagine where would you live, what would you do with your time and who would you spend it with. Get specific with the details and enjoy yourself while you take this little journey into your imagination. Notice how you feel and hang on to those feelings as long as possible. The longer you feel the abundant, the more the momentum builds to bring you more abundance.
My very favorite way to raise my vibration and tap into the abundance of the universe is: as I fall asleep, I bring up and excited and happy feeling. I remember what it felt like as a kid if I was falling asleep knowing that we were going to the water slides or the fair rides tomorrow. I marinate my subconscious mind in the feeling that something amazing is going to happen tomorrow. I fall asleep like that and by morning I forget about it. Or at least my conscious mind has….but my subconscious goes to work making sure that something great will happen.
Of course these tips will help immensely but to create a truly abundant money story without resistance so that it is easy and natural for you to attract clients, opportunities and income, then you’ll also want to let go of any guilt, shame, energetic blocks or low frequency unconscious beliefs that you have around money, right?
Once I let go of the guilt and shame that I was carrying around, as well as the fear of a big stock market correction, money started flowing into my life from both expected and unexpected places.