How To Keep the Faith When Manifesting In Difficult Times
Keeping the faith during times of uncertainty.
You know that you must believe it's possible for it to happen, but how do you believe in a time like this?
When we talk about manifesting, much of the time, it is often left out that there are physical systems, structures and situations that affect our results. Some people have more money, resources and support from the get-go, everyone has different responsibilities, challenges and privileges, right… We don’t get to choose where we are born, to whom or what our parents or life are like initially however we do have a say in how it goes from here.
We get to choose what we do with what we are given.
We do get to make the best out of our situation.
We do get to use the magic, the mystery and the wonder of the universe to create opportunities that we never imagined.
And the truth is that we only have ever had just some control...not ultimate control and that’s why it is called co-creating with the universe.
Ok, so how do we stay strong in our belief that we can manifest our desires? How do we keep the faith during these times of uncertainty, when it feels like we’re just getting it all together and now the rug has been pulled out from under you?
You remind yourself that regardless of what is going on around you, the universal laws still apply.
You remind yourself that everything is connected and everything you do, say or think has a ripple effect and impacts the collective—not just ourselves.
You focus on what you want to create instead of what is occurring around you. You work on creating the momentum that you need to manifest your desires.
1) Limit the news...especially if you feel it brings you down. At this point, we mostly know what we need to know. Stay home as much as possible. Be careful, wear a mask and don’t touch your face while you are out and about. Stay 2 meters away from anyone when you are out and about. You don’t need to know what is happening in Spain or the US. You can ask a loved one to pass on any important info or give yourself 5 minutes a day to make sure there is no new development that you need to know about.
This will reduce the negative energy that you consume, will help you keep a high vibration and allow you to focus on what you want to create instead. Take some time to think about what would you like to see happen? Hold that vision for at least a few minutes knowing that the longer you hold it the more likely it will be to occur. What action do you need to take to make that happen? Take that action. If the pandemic was somehow a gift to you from the Universe, what would the universe want you to do with it? If you aren’t sure, journal, pray and ask your inner guidance and then do it.
2) Focus on what you can control. You can control your own vibration and in these times, it’s really really important to hold a high vibration when you can. Those who are less affected and able to hold a high vibration, need to, to help balance out all the fear, worry that is out there. We are light-workers and we need to help hold the collective vibration as high as possible. Choose to do things that light you up; exercise, sing, dance, or create to raise your vibration. If you are feeling low, identify the emotion, process it constructively and let it pass so that you naturally float back up to your natural state of high vibration.
Focus on what you can control…
Spend time with people you love, be in love with the parts of your life that you can right now, focus, focus, focus on the things that will make you feel grateful and blessed. The more time you can spend in positive energy, the more you will create a better experience for yourself.
3) Build the belief that you are supported but examining all the times in the past that felt tough and how you got through them. Look at how you’ve survived all the hard times of yesterday and see how strong and powerful you are? See how the universe has always supported you? Start actively looking for times when you were worried and then the universe stepped up to take care of you. Prove to yourself that the universe has always had you back and still does. This is a repetitive practice. Remind yourself of this fact over and over again.
Maybe you’ll want to read The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein.
4) Connect with your soul & intuition daily through meditation and prayer. Dive into your faith here, when you check in with your soul, or God, you will hear the universal truths that you are ok, will be ok and this is happening for our highest good.
This is actually a very powerful time energetically, it will support you in your manifestations when you keep your vibration high.
This pandemic has shown us even more how we are all connected, how we are actually one and this such a great reminder why it is important to connect with each other and lean into our sisters when you need support.
If you want to surround yourself with amazing women who are manifesting their desires, join us in my private Facebook Community, The High Vibe & Empowered Entrepreneurs for free trainings, inspiration and support.