What’s Wrong with Needing Attention?

What’s holding you back from becoming more visible online? Could it be society’s weird negative view of attention?

How often have you heard someone say “oh, she’s just looking for attention.”?

One day I was chatting with some of my spiritual entrepreneur friends and the topic of attention came up and how it is viewed as a negative.  We hear ”oh, she’s just looking for attention” all the time. People say it about kids all the time and even about babies. Of course, babies want attention, they actually need it to live. They would die if no one gave them attention.

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Tani MorganComment
The Point of No Return on Your Spiritual Journey


Not too long ago, we painted my daughter's room which included removing wallpaper from one wall.

There was this point shortly after we started taking down the wallpaper that we wished we hadn't started.

Wallpaper is not fun to remove and as you do, you start to see all the imperfections behind it.

This is similar to spiritual growth work.

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Tani MorganComment
Energetic Business Strategy

You’ve probably seen the ads (and endless webinars) for that secret marketing strategy… the one that gets you to $100k in 6 weeks?

And (probably) also the ones that say achieving success is all about mindset and energy work, if you can just get high vibe enough, your ideal clients will automatically find you without a sales page, any marketing or hustle.

Seriously, they are both BS.

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Tani MorganComment
Truth Bomb Time

It doesn’t matter how strong of a mindset you have or how much you’ve mastered manifesting, there will be some bumps in the road.

There are going to be some tough moments.

We are having human experiences and so relationships are going to be challenging, people we love will get hurt or sick, some will die before we think they should, we’ll lose jobs, friends and more.

What matters here is the inner work you have done that allows you to move through these experiences with grace.

In the last few months, I’ve experienced some really tough situations. Partnerships dissolving, a friendship destroyed and some big unexpected financial expense. I’ve made mistakes that I’m not proud of.

And that’s OK.

It doesn’t say actually mean anything about who I truly am. They’ve taught me resilience and self-forgiveness. And most of all, they’ve taught me how far I’ve come.

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